Limited Scope Legal Services

Only need a specific task done? We can perform individual services for you while you handle the rest.

What are limited scope legal services?

The partners at Holam Law PC are part of a new and exciting project, Ontario’s Family Law Limited Scope Services Project, in which we provide “unbundled legal services” to our clients. As a client, you have the option of hiring us to perform a specific task or to do just a part of your case. We can perform discrete tasks for you in accordance with your instructions, while you handle other matters that, in a full-service retainer, would form part of the services we would traditionally provide. In these circumstances, we take responsibility for only those discrete steps or tasks in a case with you retaining responsibility for the remainder.

Another option is for us to take responsibility for one or more issues, such as equalization of property, while leaving other issues to you, such as decision-making responsibility and parenting time, formerly known as child custody and access.

What services can be provided?

Many services can be provided in a limited-scope capacity. We might, for example, be retained by you only to provide:

  • giving an opinion about a legal problem or how it can potentially be resolved;

  • doing research about a legal problem;

  • preparing court documents;

  • going to court with you for a particular step in a case, such as at a case conference or a motion;

  • attendance with a client at mediation;

  • giving an opinion regarding a draft agreement; or

  • legal research for a particular stage of the case.

Schedule a consultation

The first step in resolving your family dispute is to contact us for a consultation so we can better understand your circumstances. Consultations can take place by telephone or Zoom.

Call us at 365-608-6161, email us at, or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment today.

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